Giant Kerplunk Ball Drop

Giant Kerplunk Ball Drop

    • $40.00
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Giant Kerplunk Ball Drop

H 4' x 2' W

Remember playing Kerplunk when you were Kid? Now you can relive that fun with our Giant Kerplunk activity.

Teams take turns removing a single wooden straw from the tube while trying to minimize the number of coloured balls that fall through the web and into the base. Once a team has committed themselves to a particular wooden straw by touching it, they must remove it.

The Team who has the fewest dropped balls wins.

Team Building Options:

1) Planning and Team Strategy: Think ahead and consider the opposing teams moves to choose your following moves with care.

2) Communication: One Team Member is blindfolded and this is the person that has to withdraw the wooden straw. The chances of touching the wrong straw are vastly increased unless calm communication and unambiguous instructions are delivered from team mates.

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